Kathy Mayle Towns, RN, Chairperson
Dean of Nursing, Community College of Allegheny County, Pittsburgh
Georgette D. Powell, Vice Chairperson
Centers for Victims/Elder Victim Service Advocate, Pittsburgh
Stephen Paff, Secretary
ADEC Innovations/Software Product Manager, Pittsburgh
Sean Conroy, Treasurer
Vice President, First National Bank, Pittsburgh
Diana Armstrong
Retired Principal, Pittsburgh Public Schools, Pittsburgh
Angelica Cooper
Pittsburgh Public Schools/Family Engagement Coordinator, Pittsburgh
Abimbola ‘Abi’ O. Fapohunda
Epidemiologist, FOB Group, Pittsburgh
MEMBERS cont'd
Rev. Aaron Teter
Senior Pastor, Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh
Pastor Michael Smith
Pastor, Destiny International Ministries, Pittsburgh
Elissa Stremlau Roos
CPA Senior Manager, Louis Plung & Company, Pittsburgh
Mattie Woods
Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh
Fernando Ascencio, DMD, MDS
Pamela Whitelock
HUD Public & Indian Housing/Portfolio Mgmt. Specialist
Stephen P. Paschall, Esq.,
Emeritus Director
My fellow board members and I are eternally grateful to the foundation community, our benevolent church partners, business supporters, and selfless individual donors for the time, support, and commitment you show to ELFHCC’s patients on a daily basis.
Through God’s grace and love, we plan on continuing to provide whole-person health and spiritual care, as well as improving quality outcomes for our patients-now and well into the future.